Simplify Your Facilities Maintenance With A Trusted Commercial Cleaning Company

In commercial facilities, cleanliness isn’t just aesthetic. A clean facility protects your employees and ensures the longevity of your machinery, materials handling, and production lines.

For a lot of companies, an on-hand cleaning crew can be expensive. Those employees will need competitive salaries, benefits, a retirement plan–not to mention, the extensive training required to understand and implement OSHA cleanliness standards.

Some companies choose an alternate way to keep their facilities clean: they use their line workers to clean machinery and facilities. This, however, shuts down production and few businesses can afford that.

R1 Sanitation provides an alternative: we’re an commercial cleaning company that provides contract cleaning services for food production, manufacturing, and warehouse facilities.

If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to in-house cleaning services, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Commercial Sanitation Services That Fit Your Needs

Food Processing

R1 Sanitation is an commercial sanitation company that specializes in cleaning & sanitizing food processing plants throughout the south.


Manufacturing centers require specialist crews who use the cleaning techniques your industry and OSHA require.


R1 Sanitation can provide commercial cleaning for your warehouse facilities that ensure your employees are safe & effective.

And More

R1 Sanitation’s extensive experience with commercial cleaning allows us to provide tailored services for all kinds of industries.

Why Choose Us For Contact Cleaning Services?

Extensive Experience

The on-site managers and crews at R1 Sanitation have extensive experience with cleaning & sanitation services. Our crews will ensure that your production line is spotless–and safe.


R1 Sanitation is a family-owned and operated business, and our clients can tell the difference. We’re focused on providing the services you need and the support you want.

Meticulous Documentation

R1 Sanitation provides all the documentation your business needs for compliance. Our crews will ensure that you’ll have everything you need in the event of an inspection. 


We focus on safety. It’s a core aspect of our business, whether it be ensuring the safety of your employees or ours. You can trust R1 Sanitation to always provide safety inspections.

commercial Sanitation Services

As part of our commercial contract cleaning, we can additionally provide sanitation services for your building. We are more than janitors. Our experience with food processing ensures we can sanitize your workplace according to rigorous standards.

When you work with R1 Sanitation Solutions, we devise a custom plan that fits your needs and the needs of your company, including cleaning, sanitation, janitorial work and anything else that your business requires.

Simplify Facilities Management With R1 Sanitation Solutions

R1 Sanitation stands ready to provide you with contract cleaning & sanitation services that simplify your facilities management and OSHA documentation. Contact us today to speak to a representative and learn how we can help you.

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